Sunday, 26 September 2010

keep rollin rollin rollin rollin... UGH.

back at uni, so pleased.
really like my new desk space in the studio. much warmer than last year for a start.
been drawing from 'collections' - medals, stamps etc.
i need to do more detailed drawings to depict obsession rather than just drawing things people collect.
dissertation tutorial this week ARGH although im doing art therapy, something i am very interested in, so im hoping once i get going i'll really enjoy it. and i do love writing.
ive entered two competitions, the sustainability design competition for the textile institute and also submitted work for an exhibition at the arts factory. good for cv.
did another craft fair, didnt do as well as last time but sold some bookmarks and coasters (so maybe it was the mother who bought the coasters but whatevaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa).

ba - bye now.

ex oh ex oh
studio space.